In my own words If you are lady please... it would be ever so courteous of you to just message me... I mean we would just converse... in a completely and utterly platonic manner... and see what happens. I'm just looking for the 'one' and you are not going to find the 'one' unless you have several. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING?!?!?!? HEHE!?!? MANS GOT BARE JOKES LOOL!?!?! Jus me ppl like 2 have a laugh n joke about.. Ppl if ur gona past threw at least leave a msg jeez lol!!
My Pet Hate... R ppl that r stush or damn rite ignorant.. U know who u r.... also ppl that wear sandals pls jus dnt do it, ppl invented socks n trainers 4 a reason so cover em up!!!