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If ur lookin2swap pix&vids then DONT msg me! Im1/2vietnamese, 1/4chinese, 1/4french,born in UK
Name: Tamiera aka Tami
Details: 36 years old (Cancer), Female, Lesbian
Location: Somewhere u will only kno/see if ur nice2me, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tamiera
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sooo Cute
In my own words

Im can be shy&frendly but can also be rude.What I say is what I think,I always speak my mind.Id rather be hated for who i am then loved for who im not! Because My lack of fear,I don't sense danger and can end up in DANGEROUS situations, and to make it worse, I have, I Will, and I Would stare death in the face and be like "go ahead:!
But it is what it is.
What You see is what You get, but there is SOOO much more to Me than what Your Eyes can see.
Blog 5 posts | view all
on sat that jus passed..i was lighting up my cig....n then kinda had my attention on the tv as i was doing it....I FUCKIN SET MY HAIR ON FIRE N SINGED MA EYEBROW!! lIKE WTF...LOL...
My Eternal Dilemma...

What do I do when I have so many ideas but I don't know where to start. Even worse, I know it has the potential to change the world for the better, As well as help endless amount of people around the world.
So many Ideas...But so little time ....
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Comments 10 of 413 | post a comment | view all
dleader wrote...  
hey you all good? you look really nice, so hope you like what you see and message me back sometime soon for a chat x
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andrewrobert wrote...  
Wow you have a lot of ethnicity there! I'm a mix of many things too... Unfortunately I just look like an average white guy lol. Btw I love your tattoos! Mostly the ones around your waste. And not because I'm a perv, but because its quite the unique place for them. What made you get them there?
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siyanur1984 wrote...  
am Arda from the faceparty now by the way . I looked your profil completely . . .
Hey honey you are like a dream but you are really real come on hey you have an axperience any words as adjective or noun it does not matter could not find because . . .
Hey honey hi :) how are you ? How is your days going in your life ? I hope everything is good okey nice well good for you too in your life :) If is it possible for you too and also at the same time if you want to meet and talk with me . . . You c
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siyanur1984 wrote...  
Hey honey , You are really too imazing like an imazing dream too sexy beautiful effective attractive interesting different from the others but you are really real as said you so if everything is okey in your life for us too we can be as real shape because am ready for everything with you in this life until closed my eyes completely . . . God know everything on me what why how is everything on me so that is enough for me . . . God bless you always best wishes from me stay with the supreme of
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maverick372 wrote...  
Hey beautiful how's you. Up to much?x
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tait1983 wrote...  
hey, you are absolutely beautiful hun :) I'd love to get to know you x
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lobbo88 wrote...  
Well brilliant this! Pretty damn new to all this, and your only allowed to send a specific amount of messages...yeah brilliant, cheers!! Well may i say at this stage... I FANCY YOU!!!!
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danny_del_rouge wrote...  
evening gorgeous
how are you? xx
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rattler2 wrote...  
wow you sound sexy mistress!!
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crazymeh wrote...  
What u sayin sweet ur FIT!! ;) x
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Favorite Things

Nandos!!Dim Sum!!(IF u know wot dat is)

Most types, Gud Beats&Lyrics

TV Show
Orphan Black,Eve,Utopia,Bleach,tsO2NotBO,F ort Sa

Steven king-well i like his films- me read?!

Horrors,Anime,Thrille r,Action. Etc.

Night Club / Bar
Too Old.. Rather be at Home(&snuggle futurewifey)

Rabbits,kittens&puppy s

8 Billion worldwide but ONLY 1is My Twin Flame

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Hopefully next to You-My Heart is with You

Try to make things a little easier for You maybe


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