In my own words ok well im abit of a happy hyper person that likes 2 av a laugh! love to party! but can be serious wen needed but very rarely! XoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXo XoX i always say that if ur gunna look at sum1s profile umite as well messee them cause u wont get newhere by just lookin lol i like to meet new peeps so leave me a message n dont forget to rate me!!! :P xx cheersXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoX o XXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoX msn addy is [email protected] but dont ad me if ur an old perv lol so add me if ya wanan get 2 no me betta, i dont bite....well thats wat i say neways ;) XoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoX o Xo XXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXXoXoXoXX
1.We have 4 speeds an many positions! 2.We wear tight pants and tall boots! 3.We luv getin dirrrrty! 4.We know how 2 ride our mounts! 5.We perform well with animals! 6.We like 2 be in control! 7.Well ride it 4 hours! 8.We no how 2 handle a BIG girth! 9.We get off easy! 10.Were always on top! 11.We like it rough! 12.We have our legs spread all day long! 13.We luv usin whips! 14.Stradlin is our natural position! 15.We dont mind bein bucked around 16.Endurance riders do it longer!
In A Perfect World... we wouldnt have to write wats perfect on hear lmao