In my own words Im just a nice normal guy who is a bit of a fruit at times but hey i always say it beats being a boring sod. Come on ladies make me laugh its been a while since i did it (laugh that is) the others even longer but we wont go there thanks. I think i need to put some random topless pics of myself on here as all men seem to have them so what if i dont have the sixpack i have gone for the brewery look here .... Oh and im currently in Iraq but i quit my job the other day so im counting down as of today the 19th oct 07 im on 33 days to do, so come on ladies be quick and snap me up haha. Well now its too late as i leave here on thursday and no-ones snapped me up so its time to delete me account now as i wont be having time to go on here so you all have fun and happy hunting....
well a weekend was had by all there and we drank way too much alcohol so im glad to be back in baghdad to get meself in some sort of shape again as i have piled way too much weight on....
In A Perfect World... People would all get along and looks wouldnt be important but hey guess what we aint in a perfect world so its tough shit wars will be fought and mingers like me will have to make do with wan###g oh and another thing i wouldnt have 3rd world people asking me to bloody marry them ffs