2 entries | | |  |  |  | exeter!!!! | wrote |  | well a weekend was had by all there and we drank way too much alcohol so im glad to be back in baghdad to get meself in some sort of shape again as i have piled way too much weight on.... |  |  |  | exeter friday the 1st and sat the 2nd june | wrote |  | so come on peeps im after info on exeter and what its like on the lash as im there for a stag do. it cant be as bad as where i am at the minute as sunny baghdad is a dump and not a good night night out however some nights it is rocking but thats due to the amount of explosions going off. anyway if there are any groups of ladies up for taking a group of lads and showing them the good pubs anc clubs drop me a line. dont ask me what the rest of the guys look like as ive never seen em before |  |  |  | 2 entries | | |