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To the Law, General propositions do not decide concrete cases.
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Guardian of Divinity (GoD) wrote
People have bought the myth that there is an invisible man up in the sky that sees all and is watching us and caring for us( well some it seems, not others), yet if we dont follow his 10 rules (which only boil down to 3 really, 10 looks better form a marketing point of view =D, you know, top 10 this, top 10 that).
If we dont obey he has a special place for us down there with fire, death, brimstone, enternal damnation, torture, pain & endless suffering, but he LOVES YOU!!!
Artificial Legal Person Vs Natural Person wrote
First letters of names capitalised (John Smith) = Capitus Diminutio Minima. Occurs when a mans family relations alone were changed, minimal loss of rights

Last name in full capitals (John SMITH) = Capitus Diminutio Media = Occurs when a man loses his right of citizenship but not his rights to liberty. Person can be fined but not enslaved or imprisoned.

Both names fully capitalised (JOHN SMITH) = Capitus Diminutio Maxima. Occurs when a mans condition changes from freedom to bondage
Politicians wrote
Politicians are not here to change things, they work to ensure that things remain the same, be it poverty, endless wars or class division.
A Politician can do only 3 things, 1 start a war, 2 tell a lie, 3 create a law (to contain an issue not solve it.)
They are not capable or have any technical skills whatsoever to solve problems therefore they are not needed and are obsolete.
The LAW wrote
You will never get real just-is in a court of law.
The term, 'person' 'Mr' 'Mrs' ect are legal entities, you yourself are not one so the two have to be connected for any court of law to 'deal' with you as a corporate entity.
The Law is based on Naval maritime law as in ships and trading law. This is why you must have a birth certificate, as in, birthing certificate which is a warehouse receipt for the economic organism that you are.
Judges wear wigs because it is theatre, therefore fake.
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