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To the Law, General propositions do not decide concrete cases.
Name: David
Details: 45 years old (Aquarius), Male, Straight
Location: Andover, hampshire., Hampshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/dj4y
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In my own words

MSN is [email protected]

Truth is much like a whip, it usualy hurts.

Some days its not worth gnawing through the straps.

"All paid work absorbs & degrades the mind." - Plato

Being normal isnt one of my strengths.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
And in light of that you cannot help someone unless you are beyond help yourself. and if society is sick then so are you.

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.

Sometimes we reach the boiling point before we realize that the stove is on. Become aware of your feelings – keep your eye on the stove. - Karen Dougherty

"The penalty for not getting involved in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." – Plato
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Guardian of Divinity (GoD)
People have bought the myth that there is an invisible man up in the sky that sees all and is watching us and caring for us( well some it seems, not others), yet if we dont follow his 10 rules (which only boil down to 3 really, 10 looks better form a marketing point of view =D, you know, top 10 this, top 10 that).
If we dont obey he has a special place for us down there with fire, death, brimstone, enternal damnation, torture, pain & endless suffering, but he LOVES YOU!!!
My Pet Hate...

is that 87% of us formulate our belief structure according to other peoples ideas, only 13% formulate their beliefs from logic & evaluation.
Faith & Patriotism are two fancy words for blind submission.
A key part of the governments "Offcial Narrative" for the 7/7 London bombings, odds of being true has 42 zero's after the number, not including the first fact in the nameless report being false.
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
chandscomb07 wrote...  
good lyrics..
And money talks, in this world, that's what idiots will say
But you'll find out, that this world
Is just an idiot's parade
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chandscomb07 wrote...  
one of the first decent human beings whos profile i've had the pleasure of reading, thanks for that!
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xxxx_kristy_xxxx wrote...  
brightons sexy :)
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Humanity going backwards
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Meet your masters - The Rothschilds
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I write my own

TV Show
I don't like being programmed =D

Bertram Russell, Jim Keith, William Cooper

anything without monsters praised as heroes

= persona = mask = fake

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