3 entries | | | | | | untitled | wrote | | i love you lots like jelly tots but not as much as vodka shots xx
twinkle twinkloe massive nob mary likes it in her gob but wen she fells that ceartain twitch she pulls it out the spitfull bi*ch xx | | | | WhAt P**** Me OfF | wrote | | SiLlY iDeOtS iN tHeR cArS tHiNkInG tHeRe GoOd HoW sAd GrOw Up AnD gEt A lIfE xX
iGnOrEnT PR*CKS tHaT sEeM rEaLlY nIcE aNd CuTe aT fIrSt NeVeR aGaIn HuNnI xX | | | | untitled | wrote | | omg amstrdam was so fuking smart i loved every second bar felling a bit sik x-x-x | | | | 3 entries | | |