i love you lots like jelly tots but not as much as vodka shots xx
twinkle twinkloe massive nob mary likes it in her gob but wen she fells that ceartain twitch she pulls it out the spitfull bi*ch xx
In A Perfect World... WaT A KiSs mEaNs! xx *kIsS On tHe bElLy----lEtS HaVe sEx xx *KiSs oN ThE FoReHeAd ----FoReVeR YoU WiLl bE MiNe xx *KiSs oN ThE EaR ---I'M HoRnY xx *kIsS On tHe cHeEk ---i aDoRe yOu xx *KiSs oN ThE HaNd ---wE'Re fRiEnDs xx *KiSs oN ThE NeCk ---i wAnT YoU So bAd iT'S NoT EvEn fUnNy xx *KiSs oN ThE ShOuLdEr ---wE BeLoNg tOgEtHeR xx *kIsS On tHe lIpS ---I LoVe yOu Or I WaNt yOu xx *HoLdInG HaNdS ---We cAn lEaRn tO LoVe eAcH OtHeR xx *a wInK ---LeT'S GeT It oN xx *