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Someone design me a back tattoo
Name: Marty
Details: 41 years old (Taurus), Male, Straight
Location: Hartlepool, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/marty_4
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my house. well a drawing
A £3500.00 adrenalin shot. my bike
after nightsft my head aint that big lol. 05
In my own words

Tattoos do give Sexy fudge the horn she likes it.
Piercings in the right places are hot as! Sexy fudge says to me.
A nice smile with white teeth is a fetish of sexy fudge.
Galaxy chocolate is a way of life for sexy fudge and always will be especially minstrels. Ask her
Turkish delight should be banned sexy fudge is right (you do realise it is a bar of chocolate covered perfume?)...siko's!
Ignorant and the extremely shallow peeps should be shot, they make sexy fudge sick in the face!
Robert Pattinson should marry sexy fudge because it would be the right thing to do! Come on man play the game!
Peas are not, I repeat NOT! a vegetable, they are the devils spawn and should cease to exist! NOW!!!
Sexy fudge has NEVER tried pumpkin pie, and might not ever, she'll decide not you ya pleb.
Sexy fudge puts salt and vinegar crisps in her chicken and mushroom pot noodles and extra soya sauce to boot...because sexy fudge is cool and she know
My Mum Says...

Marty why don't you eat at your own house?
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Favorite Things

Itallian, Japanees or tapas

house and funky house ftank sinatra. most

TV Show
Familly guy, scrubs, and more and more

Stuart macbride

layer cake, baseket ball and loads more

Night Club / Bar
TnT the showroom

don't really know

everyone i care about

Offshore, North sea right now.

My house and.... Stuff, I love stuff.


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