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Chatty, Friendly, up for a laugh... Oh keep on smilin :)
Name: Jen
Details: 36 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Everywhere, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/jen_zero_four
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In my own words

Hey! Well i'm Jen!.Just moved to wales working as an outdoor instructor before i worked on the isle of wight and out in france, USA as an activity instructor too. I love working in the outdoors. I love the social side and the work side its all, fun and banter.
I enjoy being outdoors caving, mountain days! gorge walking, being on the water etc and other random stuff u an get youself upto i guess.

A litte thing i like to go by it....
Live for the moment!!, as you never know what is round the corner Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone. And do not trouble about the future for it is yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful, that it will be worth remembering....Learn from your mistakes and take them forward.
My Funniest Moment...

Oh god there are soooo many!!!!, Falling over allll the time, getting thrown in mood, getting dragged across a field full of mud!. Havin war games against the boys and robbing their tvs, and robbing wardrobes from people's rooms where we live haha, and just drunk banter. Sleeping through fire alarms and getting upto mischief!!! its the life....Live life for what it is!!
Comments 10 of 17 | post a comment | view all
mace14 wrote...  
hey you, havent really been on here for a while...just on for a cheeky perv of you lol :P x
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will_cornish wrote...  
Hey jen. How are you? I just came across your profile and think you sound great. You look great in your pics btw. I would love to het to know you better if your interested :-) x
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drsaucysteve wrote...  
saw ur pic and had to tell u i think ur stunning add my msn if u like its [email protected] so we can chat more ?xx
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hopperlong_16 wrote...  
well ello :] niiice profile, hows you?
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wildx wrote...  
Hey babe, how are you? had a good weekend?I was just about to log off when i stumbled across you profile,and I'm glad I did, it has brightened up my day massivelyyou're gorgeous x
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4evacat wrote...  
heya gorgeous,
u ok???
jus came across ur profile and thought u looked sooo prettty, i thought id drop you a msg :):):)
hope u think im nice enough to chat to???
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mcraverbaby wrote...  
GOSH YA BLOOODY LURVLY, u k hope so hunni, hows ur day goin, what you doin with ya sexxi self 2day, lookin tip top, STUNNNER
well be lucky and be safe
tb xxxx
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esc192 wrote...  
Hello...wao...you are so hot! :P how are you hun? well, if u want get into my profile and say sumthin
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hi just saw u on here and thought id say that u look BEAUTIFUL in ur pic hope u dont mind me sayin... u fancy a chat??? xx
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murph26 wrote...  
Hey how u doin x
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Recent ongoings
48 photos
living out in france
34 photos
new beginings in sheep land
10 photos
Favorite Things

Pasta !!, Grapes, melons, Chiense

rock and indie!..depends upon mood really!


Savin Private Ryan, Green mile,Day after 2moz etc

Night Club / Bar
Villiage inn pub, Revolutions, bogies!!!!, moulon

Baby Lions!!! (well cute!!!)

it's all about the rents!!!!

Anywere with the Sun, Sea and Sand!!

My laptop,my phone and digital cam


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