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Name: zoe
Details: 46 years old (Libra), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Angel Street, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/deliciouszee
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In my own words

Searching for evrything right when everything is wrong.Decide if you have everything right infront of your eyes. I dont want anything because everything i have got, i like! Therfore loving things is about making things go away or making them better. Having an Angel on your shoulder and reasons with silver linings, lessons to be learnt & having a hand to hold onto when its dark out there. Is what we should do to make it go away or make it better!
If I was a Millionaire...

soon will be www.halopeople.co.uk www.halopeopleinvestig ations.com ( please be patient for this site ) xxxx
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Comments 10 of 18 | post a comment | view all
romantic_romie wrote...  
Hey there beautiful, how are ya?,
I just wanted to say hello and hope your week have been good thus far,by the way, if you ever want to chat sometime,
just let me know and i´ll drop my msn off to ya,,so dont be shy to come by and say hi ok? cya ;=)
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kevsheregirls wrote...  
hey babe how r u? hope u dont mind me saying 2 u that u r so hot. i got msn if u wanna chat. xxx
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diggla wrote...  
* + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *I'm * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Just * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Sprinkling * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Your * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Page * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *With * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Some * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *Love
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xxmrniceguyxx wrote...  
wow u gorgeous..got msn?
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e6kam wrote...  
princess beauty at its best
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thebooker wrote...  
by the power of grayskull!! u simply rock!! stunnin!! well done u!! gold star!! anyway enough back handed attempting to be amusing compliments, u fancy a get to know chat?!?!xx
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robnick wrote...  
So nice to see a bit of class on here for a change....x
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yossarin wrote...  
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harry27 wrote...  
hi ya, you sound great and have to admit thought you looked pretty gorgeous too .wondered if you might like to chat sometime xx Harry
ps. chat thing on here rarely seems to work but feel free to add me to msn if you like : [email protected]
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adam_donnelly wrote...  
You are Fine
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No Junk!

Muzik to make love too...

TV Show
Judge Judy... Are You Recieving?



Night Club / Bar
Rather Stay Home!

Tiger & My Dog! ( looks like a tiger )

Got To Be Me Deffo! Lol

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The Beach x x Miss it!

www.theinterviewwithg od.com


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