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Name: Becca
Details: 34 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/bex_16_x
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In my own words

Im quite a laid back person, i love being around my girls, having good giggle, girly nights n meals out n working our way through the cocktail menus ;). Im always shopping... its a bad habit... spend to much money!

I believe that everything happens for a reason, people change so you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when there right, you believe lies so you eventually trust no1 but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together
My Mum Says...

The main reason why a daughter needs her dad, is to show her not all boys are like the ones who hurt her <3 <3 <3
Comments 10 of 11 | post a comment | view all
montytheowl wrote...  
hey hows you? just come back onto faceparty! love your pictures :) x
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professorchaos wrote...  
Becca, you are an absolute Goddess! I would kill to take you out for cocktails. If you're into being treated like a princess you need to get in touch. ;) x
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norty_notts_guy wrote...  
your well cute xx
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tomi99 wrote...  
I'm sure you get bored of hearing it but I will say it anyway. You are stunning
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midwife25 wrote...  
Truly stunning...x and from herts..
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kj8226 wrote...  
alright hows it goin darlin x
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danny123uk wrote...  
im gud ty gorjus, u upto much 2nite? x
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danny123uk wrote...  
wit wooo becca hows u gorjus? x
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infernodragonx wrote...  
how u doin? u alrite?x
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matzno1 wrote...  
wow bec u look amazeing in ur pic.. hope u had a nice day xx
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12 photos
Favorite Things

my mums roast dinner, Thai ... toffee popcorn :)

Hip Hop, R'nB, garage..

TV Show

dirty dancing, sex and the city, you got served

my cutteee lil puppy

My mum :)

Anywhere with sun sea and sand... :)

Shiny white iPhone :) :)


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