In my own words iam great to be with luv aving a laugh when iam out
My Best Day... when wrkd at chicago bar in chelmsford at new yers eve and all the girls was dressed as play boy bunny n baldwin was our pimp 4 da nite lol tht nite was a laugh n i got 2 get drunk aswel on the bar n do the count down 2 the new yer wit all da nutty peps from chicagos
Heya hun - How you doing? BTW - You look greta in your piks hun. Realy cute and gorgeous...and Hot lol. Loving your eyez, dnt know what it is but they seems really exotic and sexy. Neways hope you're all good, hit me bk :D xxx
hi im denz from south you seem like a really nice interesting girl :) nice profile and pictures your well pretty :) so how was your weekend? hope you had a good one :) i would like to get to know you better so if your interested chat to me on msn [email protected] hope to chat to you soon take care xx denz