In my own words Hello! Humm things about me When I first meet ppl I cant think of what to say and the second time I cant remember there name to save my life! BUT if u are patent I would do anything for my mates and would never let them down. If u live near(ish to) me contact me! :-D
Got a new Car! :-)
I got sick of using my bro's Ford Escort (was ment to be getting a new car after I sold my old one) but never got around to it so I have been borrowing my bro's old Escord and it sucked! I hated driving it so yesterday I went and got a new car to tie me over till I can afford a nice one again. I got a Honda Prelude (2.2 VTi Gray import for those that want to know) and driving is fun and enjoyable again (apart from for any mates who need to go in the back and have legs... Its in my pics galary!
If You Pay Me... The Sky is definitely NOT the limit! ;-) lol