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Name: yorkibab
Details: 42 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Doncaster/Goole/Selby, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/yorkibab
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My new car, bout time
In my own words

Hi, I came on here at the same time as i started work at a new place so wrong time to do it really.
I`m originally from Doncaster and i`m now back here after spending 9 years in the army and then 6 months away in Cape Town when i left. I was a mechanic in the Army and wanted to move away from that so i left and qualified as a personal trainer and massage therapist and thats what i did over in cape town. I`m now a prison officer and hoping to get into the gym there too as its what i enjoy the most.
I`m on here to find someone i find easy being around and enjoy some good times and have some good company and see how things go from there. I`m very laid back an like to have a positive outlook. Love to get out and do things and see new places and want someone to share that with.
Well i`d better hold it there otherwise you`ll be here all day.
Hope to say hi soon.
Feel free to add me to msn messenger, [email protected]
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Depends what mood i`m in

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