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Name: moi It's my Birthday!
Details: 39 years old (Aries), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/yoda_69
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In my own words

well, this bit is weird n i dont know what to put. It's quite hard to sum yourself up in this small box isn't it? Wel... like all sorts of music, mainly rock. I'm a bit of a geek and love my comics. My geekyness extends to TV shows, such as Buffy, Chuck and Heroes. I like films with big explosions in them and hopefully the odd gratuitous sex scene and finally, my tipple of choice is red wine, lots of red wine. Oh, and I like ladies...i like them quite a lot...
A few of my my pet hates in life are musicians who have incredibly sh*tty lyrics. eg Mr Blunt. The man should be publicly shot, harsh but fair. And people who walk incredibly slowly...get a bloody wriggle on!
If I was a Millionaire...

I'd be rich....
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Comments 10 of 35 | post a comment | view all
edthepirate wrote...  
chasing amy.... epic film! anything with jay and silent bob in fact..
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imlongingforyou wrote...  
haha you wouldnt like me then I love nothing more than to meander my way through life ....life is fast enough slow down ;) x
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glassjaw_girl wrote...  
Hahaha you faceparty perv :p
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psychotic_chic wrote...  
Nahh! *smile
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satansbitch69 wrote...  
sos rna out of messages, yeh send me your addy xx
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miss-fairy wrote...  
Awesome taste in T.V, Authors, Films and Music.... mosy unusual! :o)
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imabimbo wrote...  
just watching a girly film. how about you?
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imabimbo wrote...  
hey, im good thanks, how are you?
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lilmizcaz160 wrote...  
gd lol add me
[email protected]
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angelmyky wrote...  
im ok thnx how r u? x
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Favorite Things

stir fry, chinese food, thai food

rock mainly, bit of everything really!

TV Show
buffy, shameless, Dexter, Reaper, Torchwood

Stephen King, Mick Foley

Zoolander, the Crow, Chasing Amy,All Batman films

Night Club / Bar
Blaises(RIP),Crown,Ge orgian,@rena

monkeys, my siamese cat Blue

all my family and mates actually

countryside, Alnwick, the bar :P

my man bits


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