In my own words Got through to first heat of Miss uk face of fashion u can vote by TEXTING: 'model' (then a space) followed by 0360 to the number 60040 would really appreciate the votes :D Cheers guys ¤**¤JUST 2 LET U KNOW I CNT RECEIVE PRIVATE CHATS SO DNT FINK IM BEIN RUDE IF IT GETS DECLINED i can be a rite mad head so be warned lol i love seein ppl happy love chattin away 2 new peeps i love listenin 2 music i cud do it all day everyday especialy dance tunes i like goin out wiv my mates an goin up town gettin absoultly paraletic dancein the night away love spendin time wiv my all the girlys i love bein happy lol which normaly is every day i hate liers an cheaters dnt like bein shat on buy lads whu fink there sumin special but oh well ya gota live life 2 the full ¤**¤....DrInK TRiPLe....¤**¤ ¤**¤...SeE DoUbLe...¤**¤ ¤**¤..AcT SiNgLe..¤**¤ mail me if ya want il get back 2 ya ¤**¤
The Meaning Of Life... ¤**¤To EnJoY iT 2 tHe MaX tAkE eVeRy DrEaM tHaT cOmEs AlOnG dReAmS cAn CoMe TrUe If u TrY hArD eNoUgH tAkE eVeRy OpPeRtUnAtIe 2 SpEnD tHe CaSh Be4 U gEt It Do WaT u WaNt NeVa ChOoSe LaDs OvA mAtEs DoNt HaTe YaSelF hAte ThE pEoPlE wHo PuT yA dOwN gEt OvA tHe LoOsErS WhU tHrOw Ya LoVe BaCk At Ya RiSe AbOvE tHe MeN wHu FiNk ThEy CaN tReAt U lIkE a DoOr MaTt NeVa LeT tHeM sEe Ur PaIn BuT MaKe ThEm FeEl It DnT jUdGe A BoOk BuY iTs CoVeR
Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. Shame you are straight though, I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;) xxx