In my own words hey im sarah im 19 got brown hair blue eyes tanned im up 4 a laf n love meetin new ppl iv got a gorjus baby boy joshua who 11 months old wana chat add me on [email protected] or message me xxxx
Hey hun! Looking fine! very cute! How r u? Have you eva had an ecg test done on your heart before? It's tha test where you take yr bra off and have about 8 sticky pads placed around yr left boob and you are wired up to a heart monitor. I'm training to do them at the mo. If not has a doc ever listened to your heart wiv a stethoscope? if so could you tell me where he placed it. wb hun xx
alrite sweetheart u ok, my names dean, u seem like a nice girl n look stunnin in all ya fotos, if ya fancy a chat add me msn. [email protected] ... wud luv to chat to ya x x