In my own words
 I'm a nice girl if you're nice back..You start gettin nasty don't think I'm gonna suck up to you.
I love new ppl && can talk to any1..Bi/Striaght or Gay -Chances are we will become quite close!
I'm A 2 Chance Girl. But Only The Best People Get That 2nd Chance
*-x-x-x-What you hear about me might be true, but then it might b just as fake, as the twat that told you ;)-x-x-x-x* |
The Meaning Of Life...
 be happy, smile, enjoy yourself. :) Nothing lasts forever. Move on. No regrets. Live your life how you want to live it. Please yourself, not others. And always tell the people who mean the most, that they are loved. And proove it. Every day.
Nothing lasts forever- deal with it.Don't be sad its over- Be happy it happened. :) |