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Throw on your break lights,were in the city of wonder :)
Name: laura jane
Details: 35 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: newcastle (ish) u knw where stakeford is!?lol, Northumberland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xxxlhoraxxx
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me before chris's grans wedding
my bestest friend :)
In my own words

i am the most important person in my life!look out for number 1!lol i luv meetin new people!am quite out goin,chatty.i like randomness its the best thing ever!i ask far to many questions!but hey if u dnt ask ull neva know. . . rite??!i txt a lot i hate people not txtn bak i think its just bad!I luv unexpected txts(how thoughtful)im up for nethin really love a bit of fun!am adventurus wit most things! i like honest people,people who care bout others,people who speak their mind,i dont like people who say they have no bad habbits!if u cant admit to your own faults you'l get nowhere in life!nobodys perfect!im not here to be used so jus dont even bother!i luv my hair n my clothes n always hav to luk me best lol!!i luv drivin and runnin and sunbeds,i want a tattoo but im a bit of a wimp!and talcum powder and bananas scare the livin hell outa me!lol ill talk to anyone interesting so message me!mwah x
My Eternal Dilemma...

is not bein able to breath whilst my phone is off!:)its like being drowned!lol
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
rob_bradford2007 wrote...  
your stunnin bbz, fancy a chat?
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jonnyo1982 wrote...  
ha ha... .you're lush.. and I so get what you mean about talc....!!! what the f*ck is up with it.. who would get out the bath and think.. hmm, I'll not bother with a towel.. I'll just talc meself up... umm nice..!! it's freaky..!!! and makes you look like a ghost..!!! not goot..!!! anyway, you are very pretty and seem very interesting and nice.. so I would love to chat with you more.. maybe we could swap msn thingys...??? speak soon.. bye sxxxx xxxx
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hughesr21 wrote...  
sxc wona chat on msn add me [email protected]
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20reece07 wrote...  
heya darlin u r really gud lukin d ya fancy a chat sumtym xxxx
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twistyovstakeford07 wrote...  
U alreet x
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geordie_g313 wrote...  
ok ive added u babe x
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pics peeps :)
5 photos
Favorite Things

sunday dinner!mmm chinese!:)

i have a very large taste in music!

TV Show
The peep show,hollyoaks,the f word!

havent got one really like thriller books!

drop dead fred!the goonies,borat!

Night Club / Bar
shooters,bulletproof newher with music!

erm???my budgie(whos no longer with us :(

thats a silly question i like everyone!haha not!

windows down,music on in my yellow ka!

my mobile! mascara nd my french knickers(sorted!


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