In my own words am fun luvin up 4 a laf n havin a bit of fun:p i absolutly lv hip hop so mail me n al try n get bak 2 ya as soon as a can cheers mwah xXx ps no 40yrs old pervs cos thts olda thn ma dad so no am nt gna do anythin 4 ya urgh!
i passed all ma exams wahoo!!!!
In A Perfect World... there would be no exams which = no stress there would b no poverty etc. n a nice guy would ask me out =)
Well ma spider senses tell me that you have been prob told every day that you are a really really beautiful women like wow lol any way am not a 57yr old strawberry eating cock. I do know how to respect ma women and treat one btw I do love strawberry heehee. Hope fully I have stood out from all the cocks on ere I just want to talk wb dean
Well ma spider senses tell me that you have been prob told every day that you are a really really beautiful women like wow lol any way am not a 57yr old strawberry eating cock. I do know how to respect ma women and treat one btw I do love strawberry heehee. Hope fully I have stood out from all the cocks on ere I just want to talk wb dean
hiya babe u ok? nice pics, ur stunning. im mani 20 m bradford. if u fancy a chat msg me bk, becos i would luv to get to no ya. speak soon bye xxx or txt me on 07780938180 xxx