|  Name: | Georgina | |  | Details: | 34 years old (Pisces), Female, Straight |  | Location: | Boro / Leeds, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/xxxfoxylassxxx |
  In my own words
 i LoVe mUsIc I wIl LiStEn 2 nEaRlY eVrYfInG...i LOVE gETin dRuNK WOOHOO + PaRtYiN (LeEds)(BoRo)(ReTrO)(HoUsE PArTiEs)... * . AdDicted tO sHoPpInG LiKe AnY oThEeR gIrL, fUn LuViNg aNd A Bit NuTty At TiMeS! |
 The Meaning Of Life...
 FoR LiViNg iT 2 It's fUlL aNd eNjOyIN iT !!! NeVa lOoK bK aLwAyS LoOK 2 da fUtURe CoZ U AlWaYs lEaRn fRoM Ur MiStAkEs. hAvE FuN !!!! |
  Comments | 10 of 37 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | true_manc wrote... | |  | hey georgina looking good hun...well better than good hehe out much tis week? xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | adamwilding wrote... | |  | Hi Hows it going? Was just looking around and cam across your profile and pics and just wanted to stop by and say that you sound amazing and look sexy as hell in your pics. I also wanted to say who ever gets to spend some time with you is a luck person I Hope you dont mind? Take care Adam |  |  |  | send message |
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