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My Private chat doesn't work....
Name: bekki
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: In a world of my own day-dreaming usually, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xxx_bekki_xxx
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Me and my gorgeous nephew
Latest pic....Feb 09
Me and my 3 yr old niece
Me and my gorgeous Nephew
In my own words

Basically just on here to pass some time...so if uve got msn n ARENT one of these cybersex sad b*st*rds msg me for msn addy... Dont agree wiv cyber sex, its for sad ppl that cant get the real thing. Ill try reply... eventually!(as long as u dnt bore me straight off)lol hahaha! And U cyber w***s dnt seem to get the message,bcoz u still try-it-on on msn,take the hint...f**k off!!dnt waste ur time!
If You Pay Me...

(ENOUGH)....ill do nething!!!!
Then it gives me the ability to do all those things i want to do before i die... sky dive... rock climb.... bungee jump... and buy a yatch to sail and retire on haha... we can dream right...?
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Comments 9 of 9 | post a comment | view all
twotoms wrote...  
hows you sexy x
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lfcdunstable wrote...  
Aww I hope that was a ive got a hangover type dying and not a you are actually dying type dying!!!! Hows life n stuff?
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dodgerj wrote...  
ya ok then deal...al e-mail you the words to the song...learn them word by word...come to preston...will our whip kit off...link arms and just start runnin lol plan sorted!!!!
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t11mys wrote...  
thx 4 the comment....it's linford the legoman :) x
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andyandyx wrote...  
stunning!! how are you tonite? xx
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adri wrote...  
miss!! wot do u know about red monkey jeans... could it be a girl.. that has some knowledge about decent clothes. DING DING i tihnk we have a winner!! xx
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lfcdunstable wrote...  
Oi oi my hot Northern friend. Hows tricks?
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lfcdunstable wrote...  
Haha that made me laugh! Your the new Jo Brand, only far better looking, about 40 stone lighter and far younger, so your not really the new Jo Brand but I just wanted to compare you to a female comedian ya know? Good luck with the 2am hunt and if you cant find anyone theres always 3am!
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giuseppe080 wrote...  
hi bekki jus wondering if ure italian?
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Favorite Things

things that r easy to cook-ie spicy take-away

Bit of everything really....

TV Show
Shameless,Lost,Home and Away,Top Gear

HARRY POTTER books lol

Green St,Saw's,Snatch, Musicals, Disney..too Many

Night Club / Bar
Tiles....I love hating the place/ Jenx



ma bed

mobile and hair straightners


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