In my own words im a down to earth gal when im in a good mood other wise i wudt bover talkin 2 me lol i love havin a good tym down the pub wiv the gals n the lads i jus love people and malibu n coke lol x x x
My Funniest Moment... i was havin lunch at nikkis on her birthday n we was all at the table includin her scary stepdad steve (hu thinks im the bigest idiot neway)n i saw a book on the book shelf called a thesaurus n i blurted out wiv out thinkin i thort a thesaurus was a dinosaur! wel i felt like a ryt tit n nearly cryed!lol
AND ... i didt no bats where blind :( i looked the twat in tescos wen i blurted that 1 out.
haha i just had to have a laugh at you putting vox as your favorite nightclub! =D i take it your going to be queing up to get in there on new years then?