In my own words I am , fun, hard working (when i need to be !!!!) love clubbin with my friends (SeXypInK LouiSA aN KinkY eMiLY . . . yAy), goin out to places !!! u no wot to do to find out more . . . he he !!!! :o) i just want to mention my good friend louisa i love her she has helped me out loads on here!!!! x
Saw this earlier . . .
Wats ur Name? r we close? wot do u think of me? Do u hav a crush on me? Wud u kiss me? wud u fuk me? If u Had Me for 30 Mins wat wud u do? Wat was ur first impression of me? Do u still think the same? What reminds u of me? If u could give me anythin wat would it be? How well do u kno me? What do u like best about me? Ever wanted 2 tell me something u could'nt? Cud u ever love me? Give me a nickname and explain why?
fink of sum answers then message them to me te he x
In our darkest hour In my deepest despair Will you still care' Will you be there' In my trials and my tribulations Through our doubts and frustrations In my violence In my turbulence Through my fear and my confessions In my anguish and my pain Through my joy and my sorrow In the promise of another tomorrow I'll never let you part For you're always in my heart
This Week's Plan... Get tO dA WeEkeND !!!! . . . pArTY !!!!