In my own words Helloooo Peoples Who Can Actually Be Arsed Readin This Dribble XD
I Am Jennie...Nickname Ginge Due To A Seriously bad Hair Colour When I Was Little XD
Ermz About me? welll im overly hyperactive most of the time because of the happy pills for my ADHD (ha ha be afraid) Im the kind of person hu makes sure your smilin before i leave you alone, i care way to much about other people and allways make sure every1 else is happy wich has resulted in being hurt quite a few times =/ but hey ho shit happens, u get over it and start again cus u only live once!
Im one hell of an adrenaline junkie, i love goin bunjee jumpin and parachutin and stuff with my dadddy dearest
I Have The Memory Of A Goldfish
Stupidity makes me laugh, and boring people annoy me :)
Awkward moment when you come back into your faceparty for the first time in years and realise What an idiot you were when you were younger x_x Christ I was such a twat, soooo glad I've changed, still a bit odd but hey ho normals boring :)
Heya chick DNT WORRY IM NOT SUM BIG FAT LEZZA LOL Moved near u as my twat of an ex turned my mates against me so i need new m8s haha Got my own bak by shagging his brother lol oops. BTW wheres ya top from i luv it! u ever thought about modelling? if ur interested let me know cus ur perfect 4 it n its really gd money n totally private! add my facebook hun im natty gilbow or my addy on there is [email protected] and we can chat on there
U've got a v sexy body, U've made me rock hard. I'd love 2 be Ur slave, use and abuse me like a toy, make me suffer for Ur pleasure. What bondage toys have U got Mistress.