A love makin ppl laugh and likewise people makin me laugh!! i neva wana get old!!i have the bestist memories specialy from coll<<(will miss this place sooo much ;(.. ) me n the H meister<<bestist gurrlll luv u!! HBC forever mate!!!n a promise al sort me lyf owt lmao!have to give a showt owt to ash n mel too gud tyms gurlies more to come! i have alot of time for my mates coz they are crackin!! always hava good bitta crack either at collage they know who they are! or owt of collage hannah<<NuTtEr av known for 14 years!! luvin JEDS!! other associates inc casey<<keep ya eyes on the road will ya haha,lou,saz and kate who a have a drink with along with a takeaway slobs!I can be quite annoyin somtimes coz a get confused alot lol (but a dnt mean it!)im easy..> to get along with haha i lurrvvv listening nd havin a boogy to sum rather gud tunes in carbella! gizza rate thankin uz keep safe x x x x x
My Funniest Moment...
lots of funny moments to choose from had a wicked birthday weekend wey hey fri nyt was a crackin the pics wer fookin lush maaan haha trebble chins, droopy eyes the lot lmao!<<proper stunnin! Sat h orderd a chicken pArmo lmao<< dnt ask! Sun went to darlo for the first tym was mental fanx gurls luv yas!!!! champeonieeee all the way< ther ya go ash! Poor jack nearly had helens smoooth legs round his torso lmao!!! eee had to be ther x x x x