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Name: xxxx
Details: 37 years old (Taurus), Female, Straight
Location: merthyr tydfil, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xxbabykelyxx
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The Meaning Of Life...

xX A wise gurl knows her LIMITS but a GREAT gurrrll knows she has NONE :P! xX

°. ..´»....«´...°
x~X Some people walk in the rain.. Others get wet..

Dare to be ReMaRkAbLe!!
A smile is a CURVE tha can STRAIGHTEN out a lot of things
The next time you think you're perrrfect... Try walking on water! ~X~X~X~X© [x]
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clare31minx wrote...  
hey im goin cardiff 2mor nite hun stayin in lodge in bay,so party in my rwm after hed kandi hop u r up 4 it,cos rem the lastim u partyed wiv me u cudnt get up off the bathrwm floor,i wil never 4get dat!ha haxxxx
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clare31minx wrote...  
hey sugar im goin cardiff hed kandi now 25th,whoo hoo,its my birthday wkend,im bokin hotel,darcys avin a pre paty in mill lane at 3pm,so hop u r cumin party lik the old days,an after parties in jamesflat,ha hax
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partychick4eva wrote...  
Well watch this space girlie cause we're gonna have a house party soon. So get your chicken wings and get involved. Will let you know date and time, bring a bottle or a crate lol and we'll get plonkered and do the funky chicken til the sun comes up xxx
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partychick4eva wrote...  
I woke in the middle of the night for I just could not sleep I dreamt of funky chickens and had to get on my feet. I jumped up on my bed and flapped my arms like mad and realised Id missed you and us being SO BLOODY BAD....
Whats the goss girlie? Be good to see you soon xxx
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valleyboywonder wrote...  
hey hun koool page, u seem nice , so thought i,d say hi if thas ok wiv u hun? .. i live ferw miles from merthyr... tredegar... like... hows ur week been so far hun? wud be nice to hear from u tb x
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partychick4eva wrote...  
This is your first warning of disciplinary action that will be taken against you should you fail to fulfil your responsibility of turning up to a night out. You must be aware that the consequences are high and that you have a duty to your fellow party animals to be on the DANCEFLOOR xx
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lehxxx wrote...  
shall i order two stretchers ready for bank hol babe?..
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lehxxx wrote...  
jus had chillis on the phone uv left ur swimmin cap there babe, n ur shower gel, told em to send it ova 2 liquid cause ul prob be needing em bank hol sunday ... ha ha xx
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