In my own words Well...i could ramble on about aload of crap that no1 actually reads! or list all the bands that possibly exist on this earth!...but not co0l enuff for that...i love buffy way too much..i actually worry about myself when i start imagining im buffy outside (no lisa there are no vampires or heavenly men on this earth like angel or spike)..god damn i hate reality...i wanted to start a band..but i cant sing and the only thing i play is a clarinet so tht plan is officially UP IN THE AIR!..i dont actually know what i wanna do when im older...i just wanna go to uni for the sake of the union...yeah i drink way too much..but hey..every1 does it!...i also use these wee dot things *...* way too much...yeah...annoying eh?...ano..gets on my nerves too...
From Now On... i am going to slow down with using my credit card ....