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Name: Kristen
Details: 33 years old (Pisces), Female, In Relationship, Lesbian
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xx-kristen-xx
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me n bobby In flamingos
Me and Joolz at her bday!
Me and Sarah in Syndicatee =D
Me and Oggy!
In my own words

I can be extremly loud and hyper, also i go in moods sometimes and get too stubbern to come out of them haha until sumet funny happens which is all the time it doesnt take much to make me laugh... i have a little in common with every body, i love to meet new people, im not shy one bit, i tend to get on great with almost everyone apart from those few bad apples hahaha bastards... i have a cool girlfriend called kayleigh, shes xxredmoonxx or sumet like that on my faceparty friends list... we have loads of fun going out and getting wrecked in the randomest places then wake up not having a clue where we are, we also argue over stupid things and both love to win everything, i always win tho, but no matter whats gone on between us i love her lots and lots and lots.... well ive gone on abit with myself so feel free to message me! x
My Funniest Moment...

When Bobby found a trolly next to stanley park and wanted to push me in it. So me being clever climbed in and he started pushing me dead fast and I was screaming scared, then without me knowing, he let go of the trolly and it swerved into a curb on the side of the road and the whole thing tipped into this massive pond size puddle and my pants got cought in the trolly so i couldnt get out and he was in too much shock to help, its funny lookin back.. u had to be there =]
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xxxredmoonxxx wrote...  
Think this needs changing lol :) x
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xxxredmoonxxx wrote...  
Well 'hello' sexy person ;) lmao! you aint been on ere in ages, am really really bored waiting for you to get round to mine!! hurry up lol! love you lots n lots :) mwaah xoxoxoxoxox
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Favorite Things

Fruit <3

Everything =D

Night Club / Bar
Flamingos, tache, Syndicate, Flying handbag =D

all of them =]

Bobby x Most amazing friend I could ever have =]

Wouldn't you like to know ;) haha


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