In my own words Dani <3*Hockey Players*Falling in love*Wen sum1u Love looks in2ur eyes and tells u 'I love you'*Being held tht tite by the 1 u love tht u feel safe*Being told u r beautiful not fit*Feeling tht u r needed and wanted by the1u love*Lipgloss*Fake tan which isnt streaky*Midnight phone calls that last for hours*Kissin sum u care about*Sweet dreams*Making eye contact with a cute stranger*Holding hands with someone you care about*Knowing that somebody misses you*Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply*Lying on sum1 u care about and being able 2 hear their heartbeat*Shoes*Cute skirts*Ice hockey*Roller hockey*Getin fone calls from sum1 u rely lyk*Wen sum1u like stands up4u wen people r dissing u*Receivin a txt off sum1 u rely lyk*Big muscles*Coming out ov the hairdressers and actualy liking ur hair*Super cute shoes* R.I.P Jonny Hiles, you'll be missed but never forgotten xxx
In A Perfect World... People would't act complete bone heads.