In my own words I am Dani. Currently dwelling in Glasgow, Scotland. In training to be a piercer & have my fair share of mods :) Addicted to smints it seems. I'm a shorty, around 5'2. My eyebrows are non-existant and my natural hair color is more a myth than anything. I'm ever so slightly stubborn, a smidge indecisive..and totally random :) Want to travel just about everywhere.. getting there. I have the strangest of dreams. An art fiend too! People who lack common sense irritate the absolute hell outta me. I like zombie related things...& Chupa chups...oh & my friends are ace <3
P.s don't take a shitfit if I don't reply quick I have a habit of leaving this up but not actually being active on site.
21mods. Working in a nightclub. Still got the bright hair. Ilovemybed. Other than that I can't say life is terribly eventful bar the nights out with the lovely folk in life.
This Week's Plan... Jury duty... more jury duty & squeezing in studio time when I can.
Zomg noes!! What shall we hang out mugs on now!? Stupid nun deflating her nipples...she's gonna go to hell for that *glare* JELLYBEAN MONSTERS ATTACK!!!! HAIIII BAYBEE. =D <3
lol how can u look at that foto and not be drawn into the profile lol so jager relentless. u ever get that thing in the mornin when the hangover is kickin in but ur heart is still goin a million miles an hour coz of drinkin a shit load of it? fucks me up u on msn gorgeous?