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im me!! :P:P take me as i am or walk away now....
Name: xsaraxthestarx
Details: 33 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Straight
Location: scarborough.. isnt it super!!! :P, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xsaraxthestarx
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mi dad n step mum on their weddin day
In my own words

hiya ppl.. well you have got this far so well done 4 that :P, im sara as u mite of guessed.. i love hangin around wiv my m8s nd just enjoyin life.. gettin steamin lol! i dont reli have any hobbies coz i get too bored and give up. its the same with men reli.. all my mates say it will take a very special guy to keep me interested.. i need a guy with personality! lol! im a brunette and proud but i do still have my blonde moments.. but im not at all thick.. well ish! im a very outgoing person.. ill try anything once (within reason). i try not to judge people on first appearances but it is hard to break steriotypes, i hate being categorised.. im just me, i dress how i like and listen to whatever music i want.... well thats me! write a message if you like the sounds of me! thnks xoxoxoxoxox
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well, this is to clarify to any1 who nos adele exactly what happend the other nite so no bullshit gets spread, she fell down a flight of stairs nd broke both bones in her shin, shes in hospital now,had her operation today 2 get her bones screwed together. the poor lass is in agony and shes so frustrated coz she cant move. its guna b proper hard 4 her in the next couple of months.. she has to get physio so she can acctually walk agen. if any1 wants 2 get her a card or owt it will b apreciated.x.
My Dream Date...

would love me 4 me.. would not just be out for a shag.. would be funny, interesting and not have and over inflated ego! would be tall dark hair and gud lookin.. would accept my lifestyle and my friends and not expect me to change... is that too much to ask???
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
oneofthesedays wrote...  
heya hun, your absolutly stunning :) i was going to attempt to write some really amusing original message but well i couldnt thinkof anything to say and i ran out of messages. i dunno how much i can write in these so i just wondered really if i could have your msn as id like to talk to you. that ok? x
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angel169 wrote...  
heya hunni - my god, wat a night it was last night! lol. my mum was laffin at us lol. just letting u kno, she did change the money bt just 4got to giv us it....blondes. lol. i shall bring it t skool for u on monday - so u best turn up! hehe. c ya soon xXx mwah xXx
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angel169 wrote...  
well hello ther my lil chumlin - how are u? i noticed ur lil danny friend - ur his perfect partner - awww :P. not to sound patronising or nething lol. newho, c u at mine in like 20 mins! xXx mWaH xXx
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bootsbootsboots wrote...  
Thanks for the comment!! :) I rated you too, mwah!! x x x x x x
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my fave things :P
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me nd ma m8s!
16 photos
Favorite Things

cheescake.. strawberry!

lots, all kinds frm emo-clubland!

TV Show
american dad,family guy,scrubs,2 pints,,jackass!

katie price lol

dodge ball/van wilder party liasons

Night Club / Bar
this random pub in sboro, its sweet!

lion/tiger/monkeys/be ar

adele ma bezzi m8 nd sam.. hes super!

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the beach.. my m8s house.. my bed!

ma fne and my comp!!


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