In my own words Havent been on here in about 236817 months!! and nothings changed ha am seventeen! Am dead easy to get along with i think am funny doesnt matter if you dont cause i make myself laugh ha from liverpool ;) and love going out getting bladdereddd with all the girlss when where all togetherrr! work as a support worker with disabled girls its boss fuck anyone who doesnt like disabled people ye horrible bastards! buttt hoping to work abroad next summer if we dont hurry up and book somewhere to go! me pictures are dead old and am dead lazy sooo might upload some one day ha message me if ye want me addy ye never know who ye talkin to these days! swerv all old men of like 77 years old pretending to be a fitty of 19 soz and if ye after one dont waste ye timeee! :)
In A Perfect World... Lads would come with a reciept, warrenty, guarentee & brain. I'd own a money making machine. I would have one of them ice cream screw ball machines attached to my bed! Lads wouldnt cheat. Girls wouldnt be slags, bitches and whores. War and poverty wouldnt exist. The people you love wouldnt die. Life would be a party!!! Things Wouldnt Cost The Amount They Do. Lads Wouldnt Try And Own Ye. And Hair & Make Up Would Go RIGHT!! BUT thats a perfect world and this isnt so suck m