In my own words Oh this is tricky, never knw wot to say but heres a a student at the moment however i am quite a busy bee as you can see from my jobs. I absoloutly love my cuddles....which friends will agree :P. I dont like people who are nasty for no reason...that makes me sad. People always say i live in a bubble because i see niceness in everything and everyone :D (which i think is a good thing). However if you want to chat just send me a message and ill reply but no cam fun, dirty talk etc!!! Just come on ere for a laugh!! Dont ruin it ha ha.... :D
Oh more thing!! Love me or hate me either way your thinkin ov me :P
The Meaning Of Life... when i know ill let you know!! :D....but until then....always say adventurous....dont take anycrap r give it....lifes too short :D x