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Name: Shayla
Details: 32 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xox_ickle_baybee_xox
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In my own words

1. I don't eat foods that most people do - Pork, fish etc.
2. I won't even touch them to cook it - the texture isn't right.
3. I can't sleep in silence, so a DVD or music it is.
4. I couldn't live with out the pause button on my TV because i dislike adverts.
5. Miss a sunday at nannys - no can do, no-one can make plans that include me on a sunday not even work.
6. I'm short tempered when it comes to people trying to tell me im wrong when im clearly not.
7. I'm overly sarcastic, not a day that i can remember where a sarcastic comment hasn't started off my morning - Your awake ~ no i'm sleep walking.. You going to work ~ nope, fancy dress.
8. I hate breakfast, can't eat anything before 12 o'clock.
9. No-one can ever share my chocolate digestive biscuits, my aero chocolate or my rolos unless there extra special.
10. I hate drunk people can't be around them - hence why i don't drink, i find them rather embarasing.
This Week's Plan...

Is to stay in bed eating cake watching TV :) .... (I wish)
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Comments 10 of 19 | post a comment | view all
beninbev wrote...  
gorgeous x
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kris_b_90 wrote...  
sup bbz lookin hot x
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easy2plz wrote...  
hi sexy hows u?
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sean_skyline wrote...  
hey hun just new here and just broke up with the gf after she cheated looking to chat with new peeps not after dirty shit just a nice guy lookin for some nice peeps to chat back at me wb :) hope here from ya sean xxxx
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maverick372 wrote...  
wow! simply put... your stunning!! would love to chat some time so you know where to find me if you fancy a lil convo xx
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heaton666 wrote...  
hope ur ok and had a good day
like ur profile would like 2 chat sumtime
heaton666@hotmail.co.uk if u wanna
hope 2 spk soon xxxx
u look amazin 2 xx
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blackrise666 wrote...  
hey how are you today, cool style
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nutz_4_it wrote...  
here is my msn xxdirtygirlxx@hotmail.com
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cheeky_nick7 wrote...  
so sexy!! u got msn hun x x
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quick106 wrote...  
oioi lookin gawjus bbz;) x
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8 photos
Favorite Things

Cookies, Cake, Pasta, Cheese, Plain Pizza's

TV Show
Don't watch TV


Happy Feet, Finding Nemo, Shark Tale

Night Club / Bar
Aslong as theres music and drink im all set :)


Myself! :)

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My Bed


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