In my own words my names kara nicole marriott! from bromley cross in bolton and im 17..for u who dont know me i love goin out at weekend goin to the pub n in town or partyin ha, love all ma best friends; chloe charlsta kirsty soph ushable lisa bmonster milli ashley they r mint! i love goin shoppin and gettin lots n lots of clothes haha (when iv got the money) im at bolton college doin beauty!, thats itreali got 1 bro n 1 sis who can b muppets lol missin my gorjusss rottweiler :(:( r.i.p loui loo! anyway too much of me haha xx
If I was a Millionaire... i woullldddd go shopping all over the world and buy anything i wanted i would have a mint car and one git as boyfriend (even if he is wiv me for ma money o well..ha) my house would be like the sixe of bromley cross and i would have a pool in ma bak garden full of hotties every room in my house would be pink! haha
Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. Shame your straight tho, I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;) Wanna chat? xxx