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Our lives are all about living for the nights we can't remember..
Name: Morgan Leigh
Details: 32 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Fife.., Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xmorgan_babyx
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In my own words

I'm usually hungover or drunk writing this so sorry if its not making sense - This is where i should stop talking considering i'm making myself sound like an alchy and clicking 'i like to get drunk doesn't back me up on this. Well another warning; I would alway pretty much outrun you condsidering i always win and i'm always right! Like to get that cleared before you take the next step.. Well life is to be lived, so why sit away being shy and not go for it if u only have 1 life [or so we think.] That's why i like to enjoy myself -do what i wan't when i want - Really don't care what anyone thinks even those girls jealous of the one girl who has nice clothes and went with her ex, get over yourselfs girls. A guy who's right into his music appeals to me alot, play the guitar and your my man. Would happily love to speak to anyone if you don't have any problems with the above things! P.s i am a happy person don't let the above fool you!
The Meaning Of Life...

Live like ul neva die luv like uv neva been hurt and dance like no1z watchin xx
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Comments 10 of 43 | post a comment | view all
treebs wrote...  
hey hows your week going then ? stunning pics btw :) x
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dreamboy23 wrote...  
hiya babe hows r u? wow..ur gorgeous. great profile and pics. just wondered if u fancied a chat sometime? x
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ben_fa_scotland wrote...  
Hey Howz u? You goin out the nyt? Lkin really gd in ur pics :) Speak 2 u soon
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hendrex wrote...  
hello u
can i be cheeky and ask u 4 ya msn
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damo_19 wrote...  
lukin gud u got facebook x
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toon1985uk wrote...  
Morning how are you today? Glad it's the weekend again almost?
So can you imagine a more perfect night than sitting watching E4 all night followed by some lighthearted reading of NME?
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a33272 wrote...  
lovely pics
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wilkinson15 wrote...  
hi hun can i addd u2 msn?xx
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etherealkaos wrote...  
* + * * . + * .*. . * + * JUST * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *SPRINKLIN.* + . + . . * + . + * . * + . + , *YOUR. + * PAGE+ * + . . * + . + * . * + .* . * * + . * WITH.* + . SOME. * + * * . + * . . * + * * + . *+ * + ..friendly . * + * * + . *+ * LOVE* + * * . + *
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gazza1986 wrote...  
Hiya babe x ho are you? did you have a gd weekend? xxxx
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16 photos
Favorite Things

Italian baby!

stone roses paddingtons babyshambles blondie ono

TV Show
Skins, hollyoaks, shameless, scrubs! E4?


Scarface, Napoleon Dynamite lol

George Craig hmmm....

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My bed.. Tinthepark tent?

My wardrobe, the clothes are starting to overflow


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