In my own words Nik.9teen.Mancunian. -- Loves // Rock.Indie.Emo.Punk-pop.Dance.Trance Music. Stars. Starbucks. 5th Avenue. Tea. Gigs. My boy. Welsh Accents. Eyeliner -- Hates // Scenes.Bullies.Most girls.Scallies. -- Fave bands of the mo // lostprophets. Fall out boy. The Strokes. The subways. Razorlight. Story of the year. The Kooks. The Fratellis. White Stripes. All american rejects. Test Icicles. We are scientists. The end [x]
My Funniest Moment... The random dressing up at Keely's with the alien//The drunks on the train to Cardiff colouring their feet in markers//Marriott hotel boyband memories lmao//The random norweigans we met in town lmao!Mrs Grandmother//Nearly gettin' arrested at 3am with rich, rod n keelz for standin in the bush lmaoo the gardener kickin off! The bowling alley convo with Gaz n co.. Cardiff the randoms then chasing katy round with boxers//Dya wanna buy a caravan man?in the gay village! <3