In my own words Hiya every1 msg me if ur up 4 a laugh Im up 4 nethin really even though you can't beat eating ham sandwiches pissed drinking lambrini in my garden cos it's good!!! gotta make summit clear 4 the Bev haters just cos i fancy Angelina Jolie don't make me a lesbian does it??? ;)All u ladz out there gotta admit shes BANGIN!!! Please back me up!l! Im straight honest!!! It's all part of the fun!!! Msg me... Mwah x
From Now On... im gonna behave better ha ha and not go skini dipin with ab and em, have a bath with them or let em sleep next to me in a thong!! I soo cant sleep wit cold bum cheeks nxt 2 me girls y do we alwys end up naked 2gvr :S(God makin me sound gay even more seriously im not lol!) Always funi wen i fal ova @ inapropriate moments eg a funeral NOT GOOD! makes me laf wen em buys loads of carots cos i z they give u bigga b o o b s AND IM QUITTING SMOKING... SOON!!! ISH!!!