In my own words Hey ppl im aleisha bt every1 calz me leash. im a propa nutta n i luv 2 ave fun wiv mah m8z!drop me a msg.xxxx
From Now On... I am gunna b n not sum1 ppl want me 2 not gunna focus on lookin out 4 every1 else n im guna start finkin bout mahself agen n getin my life back how i want it! :)....n of course have fun along the way wiv my girlies...x
hiya na not been up to much just come bk from football wit the lads n thats it got my moms best mates 50th tnight ent lookin forward to that coz they just harrass me lol wot u been up to u ok? xx
heya huni, hows u? You looking forward to a sunny weekend? Im so glad to be off work... am shattered... time to get the bbq out i think Just saw ur profile, ur a very beautiful woman id love to chat sometime... dont really know waht else to say... if you fancy a chat mail me back x or if u have msn add me [email protected] xxx