In my own words
 im a normal 20 yr old girl!luv goin out on d piss wit all me girlies n of course all me lads getin fukin leatherd n nt rememberin tings d nxt mrnin!cnt w8 4 kavos 08 21 of us goin gna b mad
Letting go Of that one person That made you smile Is the hardest goodbye to say . |
Blog | |  |  |  | untitled
|  | LIFe Is 2 ShOrT 2 wAkE uP iN tHe MoRnIn WiT rEgReTs. So LoVe ThE pEoPlE wHo TrEaT yOu RiGhT, fOrGeT aBoUt ThE oNeS wHo DoNt. BeLiEvE tHaT eVeRyThIn HaPpEnS fOr A rEaSoN. iF yOu GeT a ChAnCe TaKe It. If It ChAnGeS yOuR lIfE, tHeN lEt It. NoBoDy SaId It Be EaSy, ThEy JuS pRoMiSeD iTd Be WoRtH iT. |
This Week's Plan...
 kirsties bdy on fri....rave on dis wknd wit everi1 |
Comments | 10 of 15 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  | cf125 wrote... | |  | hey babes nice pics u fancy a chat msg me bk if u do love the pics :P xxxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | 2rk wrote... | |  | hi hun u ok? sory that im writing to you on ere its cause ive just ran out of msgs today. so what have you been upto anything exciting? or have u anything planned for the week or weekend? if u wanna chat then send me ur addy and i'll add ya! its alot easya to chat on msn... dont u think???xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | babybluemark wrote... | |  | i thought soo i no a few people off ur pictures, so how are ya did u enjoy ur weekend bbe xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | trunks-gav wrote... | |  | hi how r u?> u seem a nice, gneuine girll v v stunning looking too and gorgeous eyes and lips:D wowza :P anways if u feel like a cat soemtime as friends or maybe more? send me a msg gavin xx ps please read my profile |  |  |  | send message |