In my own words well here i go againn .... im a typical scouse girl but i dont walk round in me pjs haha ... avnt exactly got the perfect body an im no size 0 as yas can see but hey am just me :) .. I live in krikby just recently moved so if ye from Southdene ull av to introduce yeself am new to the area ye see ;)... i love goin out gettin completely drunk and never remembering wer i was :) those are the best nites haha and last of all i love my princess.
MADDISON LOUISE MY GAWJUSS BABEY GIRL :) COULDNT LIVE WITHOUT HER SHES JST TOO AMAZING AND I LOVEE HER LOTS AND LOTS :D anywayss i dont bite so leave me a message or ye msn and ill get rite back to ye :)
luff yas ;) x
The Meaning Of Life... 2 me the meaning of life is 2 go out get smashed n live life 2 the full. u mite make sum mistakes but no1s perfect r they ???
Hi how are you? I hope you don't mind me sending you this message. I was just browsing through the profiles of people on here and came across yours. I must say I don't send messages on here all that often but couldn't resist sending you one. My bf doesn't mind me chatting to girls on my own. You are beautiful and I was just wondering if you'd be up for a chat sometime? Please reply. Nikki XXX
hey hun just been looking at ye profile an wud like to get to know u add me on msn on [email protected] ive got recent pics an cam on there hope to hear from u soon xxx