In my own words ??Im speechless n thats not like me?? wel im 19 n im ere 2 chat i ain got time 4 pls stop with the wow beautiful **shit** cos it aint workin at all!if u have sumin original n alf decent 2 say then msg/comment me n il get bk 2 u!!Iv got msn so just ask! oh yh by the way being random helps lol**cabbage**(privatejoke)x Well iv changed jobs AGAIN i get bored easily u c lol...Jus been goin out and bein wild with my gyals..if u wana no more comment me..Dat Chik Marshy ;) xoxoxoxo
Omg!! cant belive its gone so quikly got a month n bit 2 go!! Im so Happy at the mo im with my man n got all my friends around me for love n support..jus goes 2 show who larfs last larfs the longest dunnit lol..cos u have to look around n larf at people less fortunate than makes u feel a whole lot better looool..n all i gota say 2 dat one dumb bitch that told me my x onli wants her loool y as e left u n still buggin my line..i dnt want that waste thanks...i move onwards not
From Now On... Im Living life 2 the full n not guna let nuffin or noone bring me down!! Im guna live happily accompinied by my gyal KEL-C n just buss bare jokes innit chick lolol **FLIPPIN HECK**...n raving it up with all my ova chiks..jus goin out n avin a gd time..jus keep smiling!!! and Its Dem Chika's MizzC.J n Dat Mizz Rabbit aka Glassy xxx** Love u guys millions xxmwahxx
andys mom knows fuk all bout me neiva - she finks d sun shinez out ov his arse - n falls 4 half d shit he tells her - i did FUK ALL 2 dat family - n u see wot - i dun need non ev em. lewis deserves betta than ther nonsense.
i WAS gunna say what was all dat about today u need to stop dat trickin me shit but i jus saw ur comments from redbullroadster. hah...everyone was right about u, i jus wish id listened. now im DEFINATLEY gettin myself checked out. love u 2 x