In my own words well im 18 i do hairdressin and i also work in the pub wer ma mam shaz bat does every now n agen(wen they need me) n as a taxioperater aswell! wer kila33 works! wer all very close :) n e way iv got blonde hair (not naturaly)! and it deffo does effect my brain power sometimes so whoever says peroxide dont effect the brain is a liar :P n e way im goin out wiv a guy called scott and i have been 4 almost a year now im rly happy wiv him a propper piss'ed aswell but wot can ya expect wen im the daughter of the queen piss'ed :P and who dont love to drink! i love goin out wiv ma best m8 sheralee n avin a drink n a laff! n i love spendin time wiv my shexxii bf! i quit smokin nrly a year ago now wich im proud of coz it saves me shit loads of money so tip 4 yas! quit smokin lol thats enuf 4 now n e way :P