In my own words 23. Curly Hair. Single. Play Badminton for Scotland. I like music but im not like, OMG I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH THAT IF I DONT LISTEN TO IT 23 HOURS OUT OF THE DAY IM GOING TO DIE. I drive a silver box. Im a Firkins casual. Obsessed with Peas. Lose things all the time. I like to talk sh*t and make up stuff like...homosexual blue tac dolls which contracted beef knee disease n flew away. eating squirels. And the theory of koala bears being made in china. I also love my Jadey Pants! Meh...Im done. Peace Out x
My Pet Hate... REPHRASE THAT!!! My pet hate(s)are; 1)Garden gnomes 2)Gremlins cos ther plain evil 3)BRUSSELL SPROUTS! I have to swallow it whole so i don't taste it. 4)How i always forget to put my zip up after the toilet. 5)How guys sprinkle there pee all over the f*kin toilet seat and don't clean it. 6)When folk take ages to txt back. 7)Outtie belly buttons. 8)Pregnant wummin who dont cover thee belly. Or well...pregnant folk...they scare me!
Hey there! How are you? Was just browsing through your profile and thought I would send you a wee message to say hello! :) I am always making new friends on this and was wondering if you fancied chatting more? :D Have a wee look at my profile and if you like what you see then give me a wee message back! Hope to hear from you again soon! ;) JD x x x