In my own words stacey: i have brown hair. blue eyes. i'm five foot six. single. i'm an out-going person. i enjoy watching heroes! i like to have a laugh with basically everything i do. i'm very clumsy. i'm a random person. msn: [email protected].
samantha: i have had many differen't hair colours brown black red lmao but i now have blonde hair. bluey greeny eyes. i'm five foot four. single. i enjoy reading horoscopes :-) and watching only fools and horses :-). i am also a very out-going and easy to get along with person. i laugh to much :-) and say and do to many stupid things :-). i fall up-stairs insted of down :-). i'm also very random. msn: [email protected].
I am today going to london to attend this car show thing, with two friends, then later in the evening going to portsmouth to eat and find some club :) Exciting day. Oh really, well your both so attractive so i guess ill have to :P Have a good day girls. x