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BBM: 28FD923C
Name: x-miss-precious-x
Details: 34 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/x-miss-precious-x
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In my own words

x__.°..Loves :D..__.°..x
Partyin :: Having few drinks :: Spendin time with friends :: Make-up :: Lip Gloss :: Straightners :: Chocolate :: Weekends :: Being off work :: Shoppin :: Gettin ready to go out :: Music :: Boys :: Kisses :: Cuddles :: Christmas :: Pink Stuff :: Goin out to clubs :: Holidays :: My Mobile :: Dancin :: Shoes :: Judy :: Aleesha :: Jenny :: Catherine :: Jacquii :: Kate :: Emma :: Jade :: Christine :: Amy :: Sarah :: Lisa :: Ashleigh :: Gemma :: An the rest of my girlies :-)

x__.°..Hates :(..__.°..x
A couple of people but i wont mention any names :: Girls who are stuck up their own hole :: Users :: 2 faced people :: Back-stabbers :: Bitchiness :: Shity rainy days :: When my hairs a mess :: Guys that mess girls around :: No Money :: Arguements :: When have nothin to wear :: Fightin with friends & family

Msn: [email protected]
BBM: 28FD923C
The Meaning Of Life...

x__.°..There Comes A Time..__.°..x
There comes a time in your life when you realise who matters, who never did, and who always will so dont worry about the people from the past because theres a reason why they didnt make it to your future

Lifes to [[Precious]] to worry about *Stupid Shit* so have <Fun> get drunk & fall In [*Love*] say what *You* want to say & do what you want to do :: Regret-Nothing :: & !Dont! let people bring *You* down
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Favorite Things

Pizza, Chinese, Italian, Mcdonalds

David Guetta, Flo Rida, Little Mix, Girls Aloud

TV Show
Hollyoaks, Two & Half Men, How I Met Your Mother

Dave Pelzer, Mary Larkin, 50 Shades Of Grey

Woman In Black, Raven, Sinister, Ted, Project X

Night Club / Bar
Thompsons, Mclub, Beach Club, Roxys, Box, Shine

Dogs, Guinea Pigs, Fish

My best friend + My godson Callum are my world :)

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Lanzarote, Tenerife, Costa Del Sol, Salou, Paris

My Phone + Make-Up


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