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Name: Mark
Details: 38 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/wunder_fingers
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In my own words

I'm just very open-minded and laid back, I just like to chill. I listen to people if they have a problem and am usually the mediator in an argument (just because I try to get on with everybody) My friends help me to chill and have helped me to develop into the person that I am: Sammii - My Sis, the bravest and strongest person I know, and I care about her more than anyone. Ashley - My best mate, I don't think we will ever fall out or grow apart. Amy - One of the best people I have ever met and I care about her very much *mwah*. And Jamie - My best friend at uni and a life friend. Crazy because we lived together in the first year and that is just random!
In A Perfect World...

There would be only Music, Love and Food!!! Those three things alone can hold the world together.
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
allwomanbaby wrote...  
hi hun thx for the message, oh i love the sound of that, can't wait for pt2 x
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filly99 wrote...  
thanks smiley bug he he miow prrr x
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shamrock14 wrote...  
aw bless you for that kind thought..:) u made an old bird smile tks :)
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Bacon Toastie


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Fawlty Towers

Night Club / Bar
The 606 Jazz Club, London

yes I am! (a pussycat lol)

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